High Threat Interventions (HTI) is a unique tactical medicine program exclusively geared toward the armed professional. Most tactical medicine programs target the medical provider attached/assigned to tactical teams/special operations units instead of the non-medical operator. It is designed to incorporate live fire evolutions with the addition of medical scenarios to create a well-rounded training experience. HTI is also designed to increase student survivability by introducing injured shooter weapon manipulations and utilizing vehicles as rescue platforms to retrieve downed personnel (range dependent). Live fire downed officer rescue scenarios incorporating basic small unit tactics are an integral part of the program. The desired end state of HTI is to provide the student with an enhanced level of medical capability while maintaining their existing firearms skills by integrating medical scenarios within live fire exercises. The class is not meant to train students to the level of a medical provider. It aims to provide them with the skills to keep injured persons alive until the arrival of a medical provider. Additionally, it serves to ensure that students can perform the appropriate medical interventions while in a live fire, simulated high threat environment that armed professionals often find themselves in.
Prerequisites: Students must have solid weapons manipulations skills prior to attending this course. A shooting diagnostic will be conducted at the beginning of class. Students exhibiting poor marksmanship ability will not be allowed to continue in the course with live weapons and will have to run the rest of the class with a cleared weapon. The course is restricted to LE/MIL/Nuclear Security/armed professional personnel. Exemptions will be made for Fire/EMS personnel assigned or about to be assigned to tactical teams. Email justin@soarescue.com for clarification.

18 HRS Approved for PA Act 120
Certified Officers
Students will need the following:
• Handgun with at least 3 magazines (5 if single stack) and magazine pouch. Weapon light strongly recommended (if allowed by agency)
• Rifle with sling. A weapon mounted light is strongly recommended (if allowed by agency). A minimum of 3 magazines and a method to secure them is required. The rifle needs to be zeroed prior to class.
• 1000 rounds rifle (NO M855) / 500 rounds pistol
• IFAK/TQ on armor/belt is mandatory
• Cleaning kit (with rods) and lube for both weapons
• Eye/ear protection (clear/tinted)
• Range attire/training uniform
• Duty belt setup/tactical loadout
• Body armor
• Extra batteries for lights/lasers/optics
• Chem lights/PID lights
• Handheld Flashlight
• Headlamp
• Notetaking gear
• Tools for weapons/optics
• Water/snack items